Friday, August 18, 2006

Yahoo Avatars and other fun and not so fun stuff

Yahoo avatars are fun but if you've already switched to the new Yahoo mail beta, you lose them, sigh. I was sad to see mine go but I do like the handling of the new Yahoo mail service so I'll do without the fun avatar (mine had green hair and glasses, I made a SitePal friend to make up for that loss). The new service will handle much more like Outlook and other email clients than an online email. I've been using it for the past 3-4 months. The only trouble is you have to keep your browser up to date.

Okay, update on my MacBook WINE project. So far the prospect is not looking good for running Windows Media Player without a dual boot so I guess I'll have to clean out under the sofa cushions and dig up enough to buy a Window XP sp2. I've heard from several folks on Sourceforge and some Mac OX bulletin boards and WINE doesn't run much (mostly games) and the new versions of Winodws Media Player seem to be particularly tricky. I won't have more than WMP, Firefox, Audible Manager and Publisher on the Windows partition and there are a couple good free virus scanners for PCs. This weekend the sofa comes clean!

I did find a cool software similar to Camtasia for Mac and it's currently free. They call it iShowU. I plan to try it and perhaps do a couple tutorials for Mac users with it.

Also watched an Opal workshop this morning. On it I heard about Delicious Monster and downloaded it, he said it was kind of like Library Thing but it's a software just for us Mac users! Wow, a catalog of all the stuff my daughter left with us while in Norway!

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