Friday, September 22, 2006

Tagging Delicious

We are using a lot of resources that use tags. You can tag your photos in Flickr, tag blogs in your favorites in Technorati, tag bookmarks in, tag your posts in blogger or most other blogging sites, tag your search roll in Rollyo, tags are also used in LibraryThing and this is where I find them most useful. When I enter and tag my books, I can follow these tags to related books I might like. I can also follow tags other users have for the same books to find yet more. The same principle is how tags in help. Mostly, I had fun following the tags but I can see that entirely too much time could be spent here. I found that it didn't always narrow the search but instead opened it. I have a pretty useful search style and have fairly good success with it and will keep using it, but in some cases it does help to use tags. In my case I like to use LibraryThing's tags for finding related books to the ones I read.

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