Friday, September 22, 2006

video and audio searchng

I tried several searches for videos, Blinkx and Singingfish, as well as Google and Yahoo. I couldn't locate one of the great Studio i producations posted on YouTube, sigh. I did find a post of the opening day celebrations for ImaginOn from ChooseCharlotte on the Google search pages. I never saw any of the outside events that day since I was stuck inside manning StudioI and Tech Cental, so cool.

Since the ImaginOn Studio I productions didn't come up on the searches I tried here they are:

If you like Troy Story go to YouTube and Rate It.

Next I tried a couple podcast search engines and finally found Podzinger. On it I found the Talking With Talis series and one other I had not seen before but by and large I don't think many library sites are doing Podcasting. It would be a fun way to do booktalks. Perhaps PLCMC should start one.

1 comment:

Muggie said...

The videos from Studio I and the portable Animation station are growing everyday. Keep checking.